Grays Harbor Transit
343 W. Wishkah Street
Harbor Place Building
Aberdeen, WA 98520
(360) 532-2770
(800) 562-9730


Dial-A-Ride and ADA is now HarborFLEX
General Public Dial-a-Ride and Specialized Van Service (SVS) are similar services but differ greatly. 

General Public Dial-a-Ride service are available to the general public and can schedule same day rides. The service areas are just for the towns where they are located. There are four General Public Dial-a-Ride vans, one van located in the following towns: Ocean Shores, Westport, Montesano, and Elma Service is available Monday through Friday and weekend service for Ocean Shores. For more information about the General Public Dial-a-Ride, click on this link HarborFLEX

Specialized Van Service (SVS) is a certified service in which needs to be applied for. Service area is Grays Harbor County and operates the same days and hours as the fixed route service. For more information about the SVS service, click on this link HarborFLEX information.
If the hardest part of your job is getting there and back again, Grays Harbor Transit can help! We offer vanpool services designed to make your commute easier and less expensive. Whether you're interested in joining a vanpool or want to start one yourself, we can help you. For more information about the Vanpool Program click this Vanpool page link.
General Public Dial-A-Ride now HarborFLEX
Grays Harbor Transit has four General Public Dial-A-Rides in small rural areas where bus stops are unavailable for same day service. This service is available to the general public and the Dial-A-Ride vans stay in the city they are designated for. Riders can use this service to get transportation to various locations in their town or bus stops/stations to transfer to a main line bus for transportation outside the service area. For more information on General Public HarborFLEX Dial-a-Ride click this HarborFLEX page link.
Montesano Transit Station
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