Grays Harbor Transit
343 W. Wishkah Street
Harbor Place Building
Aberdeen, WA 98520
(360) 532-2770
(800) 562-9730

HarborFlex Service

Welcome to HarborFLEX!

HarborFlex by Grays Harbor Transit is a combination of Paratransit (certified) service that covers Grays Harbor County and general public Dial-a-Ride (DAR) service in Montesano, Elma, Ocean Shores and Westport. Although these are two different services, they have been combined into one application.

  • New and improved mobile app - The new app will reliably let you book and track all of your upcoming trips. No smartphone? No problem - you can still call our dispatch center to book rides.

  • No walk-ons, less waiting - Grays Harbor Transit General Public DAR will no longer accept walk-ons which will reduce wait times and ensure drivers can take the most efficient route to get everyone where they’re going more quickly! Riders will have to make reservations in advance through the app or dispatch before boarding the vehicles.

  • Same fare free service - Fares will remain free through 2025.

HarborFLEX Logo

HarborFLEX App is available to download from Google Playstore and Apple.

GHT Terms of Use

HarborFlex General Public Dial-a-Ride (DAR)

HarborFlex general public Dial-a-Ride service is available Monday-Friday in Montesano, Elma, Westport.  HarborFlex public Dial-a-Ride is available weekdays and weekends in Ocean Shores.  Download the Grays Harbor Transit HarborFlex App (link above) and create your account or call the HarborFlex Dispatch at (360) 532-2770  or (800) 562-9730

Rides must be pre-booked before boarding the HarborFlex General Public Dial-a-Ride bus.

  • HarborFLEX General Public DAR Information

    Grays Harbor Transit has four General Public Dial-A-Rides in small rural areas where bus stops are unavailable for same day service. HarborFlex service is available to the general public and the Dial-A-Ride buses stay in the city they are designated for.  Riders can use this service to get transportation to various locations in their town or bus stops/stations to transfer to a main line bus for transportation outside the service area. 

    The HarborFlex General Public Dial-A-Rides service the following cities:

    Elma/McCleary(Route 146) 

       Monday through Friday 7:45 am to 4:45 pm

    Montesano/Central Park (Route 141)

       Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 3:30 pm

    Ocean Shores (Route 161)

       Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

        Saturday-Sunday 8:30 am to 4:15 pm

    Westport (Route 171) including Tokeland

       Monday through Friday 7:45 am to 4:45 pm  For service to Tokeland, call Dispatch by 9:00 am or 3:00 pm weekdays 360-532-2770 listen for prompt for Dispatch.

HarborFlex Paratransit Service

HarborFlex Paratransit Service Area
HarborFlex Paratransit service area is 3/4 of a mile from the fixed route bus route in Grays Harbor County and up to 3 miles from the fixed route bus route in Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and South Aberdeen.  This is a certified service and you must apply for the service by completeing an application.

To download the SVS packet with information and application:      English         Spanish

  • Scheduling a HarborFLEX Paratransit SVS Ride

    Reservations can be made by calling a HarborFlex Dispatcher at (360) 532-2770 ext. 2 or (800) 562-9730 ext. 2 

    Hours of operation mirror the fixed route bus schedule.

    Service is not available on these holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.

    Trips can be scheduled up to a week in advance. You will also need to schedule a return time (if applicable) at the reservation time unless it is for a medical appointment. To expedite your call, please have available when you call:

    Pencil and paper

    Your Name

    Exact address of where you want to go.

    Time(s) and date(s) you would like to travel

    Time(s) of any appointments you have.

    Whether an attendant or guest will be riding with you.

    Whether a service animal will accompany you.

    Whether you will be using a mobility aid (i.e., wheelchair, walker, oxygen).

    Return trip information.

    Carry any needed medication with you in case there is a delay for any length of time. If you are diabetic or hypoglycemic, please bring a small snack with you in case you travel longer than expected. If you require oxygen, please make sure you have enough in your tank for the duration of your outing.

    Please limit your onboard parcels (bags). HarborFlex operators can only assist you with the amount of packages or groceries as the operator can carry in one trip. HarborFlex operators are not permitted to lift or carry objects weighing more than 20 pounds. If you have purchased a heavy or bulky item, please arrange with the store to have it delivered to your home rather than trying to carry it aboard the van. HarborFlex operators reserve the right to refuse to transport heavy or bulky items.

    It is your responsibility to notify your HarborFlex dispatcher if you move or use a temporary address.

    For medical emergencies, call 9-1-1 If your condition is very fragile and you require specialized care during your trip, do not call HarborFlex. Our operators are not trained as paramedics.

    Standing Rides - Repeating Scheduled Rides

    A Standing ride is an ongoing, regularly scheduled reservation (for example: work, dialysis, physical therapy, church, etc.). It is useful to schedule a standing ride if you go to the same place one or more days each week. Standing rides may be requested once eligibility has been approved. To avoid no-show penalties, please call the HarborFlex dispatch to place your standing ride on hold during times of vacation, illness or any reason you will not be taking your scheduled trips. Be sure to let the dispatcher also know when you want your standing ride reactivated. 

    Standing rides will be removed or denied due to excessive cancels and/or changes. You will be notified by phone if we cancel your standing ride.

  • Canceling your Trip/No Shows

    You should cancel your trip if you no longer need it. It is important to call HarborFlex dispatch to cancel your trip as soon as possible. Last minute cancellations can slow down service and increase costs, Grays Harbor Transit's policy for cancelling HarborFlex reservations:

    • Passengers must provide no less than two hour advance notice when canceling a HarborFlex trip. Less than two hours notice is counted as a no-show.
    • Because of the high demand of service, same day cancellations will be classified as "late cancellations" and three late cancellations within a continuous 30 day period are treated as one no-show.
    • More than 3 no-shows in a month may result in suspended service.
    • If you need to cancel more than one trip, be sure to tell the HarborFlex dispatcher which trips to cancel. Be sure to cancel your return trip if you have one scheduled.

    HarborFlex operators are not permitted to request, change, or cancel trips for clients.

  • Suspension of HarborFLEX Service

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  • HarborFLEX Service Responsibilities

    Grays Harbor Transit makes every effort to hire, friendly, responsible drivers who have excellent driving records. SVS operators are thoroughly trained in defensive driving and customer relations; which helps them understand and respond to the special needs of HarborFlex customers. You can expect from HarborFlex:

    • Safe transportation
    • Courteous, professional operators and staff
    • Clean, well-maintained vehicles
    • Prompt accurate responses to your questions and concerns
    • Operator assistance from the door where your trip originates to the vehicle; and from the vehicle to the door of your destination (under some conditions, our policy of door-to-door service will not be available to passengers. Alternate pick-up and drop-off locations may be established to address safety concerns.)
    • HarborLink will pick you up 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after your assigned pickup time. This period of time is called the on-time window. If the vehicle arrives anytime during this period, it is considered on time. You must be ready to go anytime within this 30 minute window.

    Operators can only wait five minutes for you, after arriving within the on time window, before being directed to move on and pick-up passengers who are waiting. To avoid delays, missed appointments, and no-show penalties, please be ready to go when the van arrives to pick you up. If the van has not arrived within 10 minutes of your scheduled pick-up time, please call HarborFlex dispatch to inquire about your ride.

    It is Grays Harbor Transit's policy and responsibility to ensure safe and timely transportation for all HarborFlex customers. You have a responsibility to use the system appropriately for the benefit of your fellow customers.  When one customer disrupts service due to inappropriate use or unrealistic expectations, service to others is affected. You are expected to follow the guidelines to ensure that everyone, including yourself, has the safest and most convenient ride possible.

  • HarborFLEX Customer Responsibilities

    The following is a partial list of the more significant customer responsibilities. Grays Harbor Transit reserves the right to deny service to customers who do not comply with their responsibilities.

    • All customers are required to pay the appropriate fares
    • Customers are not allowed to request a HarborFlex operator make an unscheduled stop for any purpose. All scheduled stops are to go through the HarborFlex dispatch.
    • Medical procedures of any kind are not allowed on board the vehicles.
    • If you are boarding or de-boarding at a large building or shopping mall, a designated outside entrance will be used. You will be dropped off and picked up at the same entrance.
    • For your safety and security, you will be required to use the safety belt while riding on HarborFlex. Customers must remain seated and secured until the van has come to a complete stop. Remain seated until the operator is ready to assist you out of the van.
    • Passengers are not to exit the van while operators are assisting other passengers.
    • HarborFlex operators will not approach a house where there is a risk of encountering an unfriendly animal. When the HarborFlex operator arrives, make sure your pet is contained or on a leash.
    • All customers are expected to use appropriate social behavior while riding on GHT vehicles and when interacting with other customers or employees. Fighting, throwing objects, pushing, shouting, spitting, rough behavior, and vulgar language are all prohibited.
    • For the comfort of health of all customers, personal hygiene should be maintained within acceptable standards.
    • All customers must comply with safety rules, which include not smoking, eating or drinking in HarborFlex buses, (with approved exceptions), and not playing radios or other noise generating equipment. Firearms or weapons of any type, hazardous chemicals, flammable liquids, explosives, acid, or any other articles or materials likely to cause harm to others are also prohibited. Any article that could spill or has an offensive odor must be effectively sealed to prevent odor from escaping, or the contents from spilling. Any unlawful bus conduct defined by Title 9.91.025 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW).
    • Under Washington State Law, RCW 46.61.687, any child less than three years of age must be placed in an approved and property secured child safety seat provided by the accompanying adult. SVS does not provide child safety seats. You will be denied travel if you do not have an approved safety seat for each child traveling with you who is under three years of age.
    • If you use a mobility aid (i.e., wheelchair or walker) it is your responsibility to keep it in good working condition. Chairs and chair handles must be clean. Tires on wheelchairs must be properly inflated, brakes must be in good working order. If an operator believes that you cannot be safely assisted to or from the van, you will be refused transportation and a supervisor will be sent to investigate the problem.
    • Your wheelchair may be considered unsafe if the wheels or other parts are loose, if any parts of the wheelchair are broken, or if an electric wheelchair has a dead battery and cannot be moved without extreme effort the by HarborFlex operator. Wheelchair lifts make it possible to load wheelchairs and passengers with a combined weight of 600 lbs. in an efficient and safe manner.
  • Approved Equipment

    Passengers will be transported provided the lift and vehicle can physically accommodate them, unless doing so is inconsistent with legitimate safety requirements. Additionally, our agency can accommodate mobility devices that meet the following minimum standards.

    • Wheelchair base equipment has 3 or more wheels.
    • Walkers must be collapsible and able to be stored between seats.
    • The mobility device must be in good working order, with batteries charged, tires inflated and working brakes, footrests attached, and all parts secure (49 CFR 37.3) Service may be denied until you have taken care of any equipment problem. Wheelchair lifts make it possible to load wheelchairs and passengers with a combined 800 lbs. in an efficient and safe manner.
  • HarborFLEX SVS/Paratransit Eligibility Process

    To qualify for HarborFlex you must meet one or more of the following conditions, as set by the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act:

    • You are functionally unable to get on or off a transit bus, even with use of a wheelchair lift. (Note: All Transit vehicles are lift equipped)
    • You are physically unable to get to or from a regular GHT bus stop using your regular mobility device.
    • You are unable to understand and follow transit directions or understand information signs for reasons other than language. Assistance with schedule and route information is available be calling the GHT office or online.
    • Disability certification from your health care professional does not automatically qualify you for HarborFlex Paratransit service. The information received from your doctor will be considered by GHT when processing your application.

    Lack of personal transportation or convenience are not reasons for certification to ride our service.

    Your eligibility is based on the information provided in the HarborFlex Paratransit application, personal interview and any information gathered through the eligibility process. Grays Harbor Transit often seeks information from treatment or health care providers to help us define the functional abilities of applicants.

    By law, Grays Harbor Transit must:

    • Make an eligibility determination within 21 days of receiving the completed application.
    • Provide written notification with reasons for our decision.
    • Provide the applicant the ability to appeal an eligibility denial or conditions of service.
    • Provide materials in accessible formats upon request.
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